Thursday, June 14, 2012

It's a Family Affair

Before diving into the routine of my daily life and training, none of this would have any meaning without first mentioning my family.  They are responsible for my "nature" and my "nurture."  They are my pillars of support and without them the dream becoming reality would never have been possible.

First, there is my mom, Kathy.  She is truly amazing.  She raised my sister and I on her own since we were young.  Things were difficult, but she always tried to show us a brighter side to things.  One of the most valuable lessons I learned from her was to do my best and try my hardest.  She didn't teach this to me necessarily with words, but as I've matured over the years I realized that is exactly what she did in her life.  She did what she could with what she had and I truly am in awe of her.  There isn't a word that can fully describe my appreciation towards her.

Next is my sister, Agapi.  Another beautiful woman who I admire, respect, and love with all of my being.  She has supported my running career in every way imaginable since I was in high school and has backed me like no other.  Even when I doubted myself and would think about giving up she would be there to pick me up.  She has made me feel like her home is my own and the security of knowing that I always have a place to go to is invaluable.  She's made me believe that I can conquer the world and has given me the wings to fly!

Although these two people are incredible, my blessings don't stop there.  My brother-in-law, Bruce, is remarkable. I can open up to him and talk about everything, literally.  It is great to actually feel like he is my real brother; but since he isn't technically, I must say that his ability to put up with the three Kefalas women for so many years, probably qualifies him for saint status!  In one particular area he has gone above and beyond what anyone would expect, he has helped me financially over the years to get through injuries and rehab so I can be healthy and strong to compete at the level I need to to make it to London.

And finally, Agapi and Bruce have given me the greatest joy of all with my two nephews, Dane (6) and West (2).  What can I say?  They are absolutely adorable and I love them like my own.  Just because they exist, I want to be a better person, to do something great, to leave a legacy for them.  Knowing that Dane can start his dream of competing in the Olympics as I am living out mine fills me with an indescribable pride and joy.

Somewhere I've read, "I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich."  This could not be further from the truth.  Wrapping up now, though, as it turns out that typing as happy tears fill your eyes is actually pretty hard!


  1. Looking forward to meeting your family in London and altogether cheering for you! It's great that they are so supportive plus they sound like tons of fun!

  2. They really are awesome and I'm glad I was able to convey that. My sister and brother-in-law are tons of fun and up for anything! Thank you so much for sending out the Olympic gear!

  3. Tina, you are already a champion.
    Your grandfather, Constantinos Arvanetes, would have been
    so proud of you, as we all are! It means the world to me
    that you are continuing the legacy not only in the running but most importanly, in the way you live your life.
    I hope you have the best race yet in London!
    Love, mom.

  4. Tina,
    you are already a champion.Your grandfather, Constantinos Arvanetes, would have been so proud of you, as we all are! It means the world to me that you are continuing the legacy not only in the running but most importanly, in the way you live your life! Love, mom.
